What is Dental Bonding in Guilford CT?

by | Aug 29, 2016 | Dental Care

Dental Bonding in Guilford CT is a way to make minor corrections to the appearance of teeth. It is a quicker, and more cost-effective, alternative to porcelain veneers or crowns. Porcelain veneers consist of a thin layer of porcelain that is affixed to teeth. They can make teeth appear straighter, whiter, and more consistent in size and shape. They can last for up to fifteen years and are a popular procedure in cosmetic dentistry. They are also out of financial reach for those with budget constraints. Bonding consists of a white composite material that is placed on teeth to hide small flaws, such as cracks or chips, and to make teeth appear straighter in some areas.

The process of Dental Bonding in Guilford CT is not designed to alter the appearance of the entire smile but can fix smaller areas. It can be used for the front top teeth, for example, or to fix one or two teeth that create a gap. The bonding material is prone to breaking and chipping, so extra care has to be taken when eating and cleaning teeth. Bonding can last for many years, and some patients have no issues with chips. It is just one of many options for cosmetic procedures. Professional teeth whitening, for example, can remove deep stains from teeth, such as wine, tobacco, coffee, and discoloration caused by certain medications. Whitening in the dentist office is more effective than over the counter (OTC) options, and can last much longer. That actually makes procedures more cost-effective than paying less for OTC brands, but having to repeat them frequently.

Implants to replace missing teeth is another cosmetic procedure that can restore a great smile. It can also restore self-esteem, confidence, and functionality. One missing tooth can result in the shifting of other teeth, bone loss in that area, and spaces for bacteria to build up along the gum line. An implant is a permanent way to fix the problem and restore better oral health. Many people do not have implants done due to cost. Find a dentist office that will work with patients regarding flexible payment plans, interest-free financing, and reduced costs in some circumstances. Lack of dental insurance should not be a barrier for proper dental health. People can go to Greatamericansmile.com for information regarding cosmetic procedures, as well as payment plans and financing options.

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