FAQs About Dental Veneers Addressed By A Cosmetic Dentist In Pittsburgh

by | Oct 14, 2016 | Dental Care

In Oregon, cosmetic dental procedures focus on aesthetics. They are used to make the smile more proportionate and white. They are also used as restorative measures to correct damage. The following are FAQs about dental veneers Pittsburgh addressed by a cosmetic dentist in Salem OR.

What is a Veneer?

A veneer is a small layer of porcelain. The device is placed over the exterior of tooth enamel. It is installed onto the front side of the affected tooth treated by the dentist cosmetically.

Why are They Used?

Veneers are installed if severe discoloration occurs, and whitening treatments won’t remove the stains. They are used to correct chips and breaks in the tooth. Dentists also use them to reshape the teeth. This element makes them beneficial for correcting a slight alignment issue.

How are They Installed?

The veneer is installed over the exterior of the tooth enamel. First, the dentist trims an indention into the tooth. Next, they push the veneer in place and bond it onto the tooth.

Is There More than One Type of Veneer?

Yes, there are two different types of veneers. Traditional veneers are installed as described above. Newer models don’t require the dentist to form an indention. They are bonded directly onto the tooth enamel. They are called no prep veneers.

How are Veneers Chosen?

The dentist uses a color chart to identify the appropriate color. Next, they measure the tooth. They need an accurate length and width for the natural tooth. They use the measurement to create the veneer. If a lab is needed to create the veneer, a mold of the natural tooth is acquired.

What are the Advantages of Veneer Installations?

The major advantages include color correction, damage repair, and a more aesthetically pleasing smile. The installation process is minimally invasive and doesn’t lead to further damage.

In Oregon, cosmetic dental procedures restore confidence and function. Veneers are among these procedures that improve the appearance of the smile. They are completed in one dental visit and are long-lasting choices. Patients who need to schedule an appointment with a Cosmetic Dentist in Salem OR for veneers Browse Our Website for more details.

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