What To Expect During A Dental Practice Sale In California

by | Oct 10, 2019 | Dental

In California, dental practices offer a new beginning for some professionals and a chance to become their own boss. When reviewing properties for sale, the dental professionals conduct a market analysis and determine what area is more prosperous. A local broker helps prospective buyers review a dental practice sale in California.

Inspecting the Property

A property inspection helps the owner identify any issues that could complicate the sale of the property. After a buyer submits an offer, they schedule their own inspection and address structural, electrical, and other issues with the property. If the practice owner manages the issues before the sale, the transaction doesn’t take as long to close.

Staging the Property for Potential Buyers

Staging the property makes the property more appealing to potential buyers. The process starts by changing paint colors to neutral tones and creating a clean slate. Furniture is replaced if it is damaged or outdated. Minimizing furnishings and decorative elements make the property more attractive. The purpose of staging is to show the buyers what the property could look like and how it meets their business needs.

What Comes with the Practice?

The description in the property listing details what comes with the property. Typically, chairs, light fixtures, and other equipment in the exam rooms come with the property. Some dental tools are included in the sale if they are in great condition. Retiring dental professionals offer their patient roster with the property. If so, the current dentist remains at the practice to help the patients get used to the new dental professional.

Expectations During the Property Closing

The property closing is the same as any other real estate transaction. The buyer’s payment is wire to the seller’s bank. The attorney creates a new deed for the property. All documents from the mortgage company, insurance provider, and the sales contract are reviewed for compliance with applicable laws.

In California, dental practices give a dental professional the opportunity to start fresh in a new location. The properties offer several features that could eliminate additional upfront costs for the buyer. Prospective buyers who want to learn more about buying a dental practice in California can contact a broker or visit website for more information right now.

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