Cavities and Gum Disease Can Be Prevented With Care From the Family Dentist in Arlington, TX

by | Jun 13, 2017 | Dentist

Two of the biggest threats a person’s smile can face are gum disease and cavities. When either of these two strikes, it can have lasting ramifications on a person’s oral health and eventually lead to tooth loss. Outside of brushing and flossing daily, one of the most important things a person can do to protect the health of their teeth is seeing the Family dentist in Arlington TX at least twice a year.

Seeing the dentist allows a person’s teeth to be carefully cleaned, which is an important part of keeping oral health issues away. Even though a person might brush and floss as often as recommended, there may be areas on the teeth that are being missed because they are hard to reach. There are many cracks and crevices in the teeth that can harbor food, leading to decay. A careful cleaning removes the threats that could be lurking in the teeth.

The cleaning process not only protects the teeth but also ensures the dentist will be able to properly examine them. The teeth must be carefully examined via the dentist’s eye and special tools. The teeth will be checked for any signs of trauma or cavities, and their hardness level will be checked. In addition to the physical exam, the Family dentist in Arlington TX will also take X-rays.

X-rays are a vital part of any comprehensive dental exam. These are typically taken once a year unless a person begins experiencing signs of oral health concerns. X-rays can reveal the inside of the tooth so the dentist can diagnose infections, injuries, and cavities, even if there are no outward signs present. This is important for protecting the oral health of the patient because conditions can be found before they cause major damage.

It is imperative you protect the oral health of your family by seeing the dentist as often as recommended. If you would like to schedule your preventative care appointment, call the office today to get started protecting your smile. If you would like to learn more about the many dental services that are offered, visit Website today.

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