What Are Some of the Services That A Patient Can Expect from Dentists in Annapolis?

by | Jan 10, 2020 | Dental

Dentists in Annapolis can provide a variety of services. Examples include preventive dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and periodontal care.

What Can the Patient Expect?

The dentist will help patients of any age. They can offer preventive care like dental cleanings or dental sealants, and they offer restorations like crowns to strengthen the patient’s teeth and improve their smile.

The dentist will want to establish a partnership with the patient so they can treat them over the years to come. To that end, they will develop a customized treatment plan and advise the patient on ways to take better care of their teeth.

Click here to learn more about dentistry in Annapolis.

What Does Emergency Dentistry Involve?

In emergency dentistry, the dentist is handling a situation that requires their immediate attention. Examples include severe toothache, a tooth that has been knocked out, bleeding from the mouth, and injury to the gums or jaw.

What Is Periodontal Care?

Periodontal care describes the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gum disease. Untreated gum disease can eventually lead to damaged bone and lost teeth. It is also easier to treat gum disease if it is caught early. A patient in the early stages of gum disease may need nothing more than scaling and deep cleaning, a particularly intense form of dental cleaning in which the dentist reaches down to the roots to remove tartar and plaque. The dentist may also use an anti-microbial agent called Arrestin to kill the bacteria causing gum disease.

Contact Annapolis Dental Associates to learn more about dentists in Annapolis.

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