Receding Gums Treatment: Pros and Cons

by | Feb 14, 2018 | dental care advise

Gum recession is a dental condition whereby a patient has lost so much gum tissue that the root of their teeth is now exposed. It affects thousands of adult Australians annually, but it has been known to also affect adolescents as well.

The more tooth that is exposed, the higher the risk of bacterial infection forming in the spaces between the remaining gum and tooth. Without the proper treatment, gum recession can lead to loss of teeth. Before it gets to that point, dentists generally recommend receding gums treatment to reverse the damage that has been done.

Where the damage is significant, the receding gums treatment that is most popular is a guided bone regeneration (GBR). Using local anaesthetic, a dentist clears out the bacteria of an infected area and then uses your existing membrane to trigger the growth of newer gum or bone in an area that is lacking. Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is similar but focuses on the growth of soft tissue. The advantage to these procedures is that the tissue or bone is your own; therefore the bone growth is more predictable than with other procedures. Where the damage is still manageable without surgery, dentists can generally perform a deep cleaning, which is completely non-invasive.

The dentists at National Periodontics can ensure your gum health is at its peak potential. Dental care should not be limited to only the problems within your teeth. Their team has years of specialised experience in periodontics, general dentistry, and gum treatment to ensure tailored and thorough oral treatment. If you have receding, swollen, or bleeding gums, a one on one consultation is the best way to ascertain the causes of your condition and best course of treatment. Receding gums treatment is the only way to counteract the extensive damage that can occur from untreated gum recession.

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