Find The Best Options For Cosmetic Dentistry Services In Del City, OK

by | Nov 24, 2016 | Dental

Dental treatments come in many shapes and sizes, from a simple cavity filling to dental implants. Depending on the severity of the patient’s problem, a dentist may recommend any number of treatments if the problem is not too severe. In the cases of severe enamel damage or nerve exposure, a dentist may recommend root canals or dental extractions to alleviate the discomfort and pain a patient may be experiencing. This is why many Del City area dentists, like Sunnylane Family Dentistry, offer cosmetic dentistry to help restore a patient’s smile and bite when they suffer from severe damage to their teeth.

In many cases, severe enamel damage can be caused by diets and poor dental hygiene at home. Coffee, soda, and tea can all stain and damage enamel over time if consumed often. The same can be said for sugary foods and drinks, due to sugar being a major threat to the strength of enamel. Once enamel starts to break down and weaken, cavities can start to form on the tooth. This can lead to exposure of the nerve inside the tooth, leading to infection and discomfort when eating or drinking. If the tooth is infected, the infection has to be treated with antibiotics first before a dentist can perform any type of Cosmetic Dentistry Services in Del City OK for the patient.

Most often a dentist will recommend veneers when recommending any type of Cosmetic Dentistry Services in Del City OK to help restore a patient’s smile. Veneers are similar to crowns, except they cover a portion of the tooth as long as the tooth still has 80% or more of its enamel left. If the tooth has any less than that, a crown will be recommended since they can cover the entirety of what is left of the tooth when compared to veneers. If the tooth has below 50% of its enamel left, an extraction will usually be recommended, followed by either a bridge or implant to be used to replace the tooth. Implants are typically made of porcelain, and use an anchor to hold them in place which can act like the tooth’s original roots to promote bone growth over time when chewing or biting.

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